You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.2. Sales - Sales Desk Inquiries > Sales Desk Inquiries - Category > Displaying the Category Inquiry Screen
Displaying the Category Inquiry Screen

To perform product category inquiries:


Micronet displays the Category Selection screen.

  1. Select an existing product category.

If you have more than one screen of product categories, you can use a partial key search. For more information, refer to "Using Partial Key Searches".


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

Once you have selected a category on the Category Selection screen, you can press the F11 hotkey to display a category summary. More information about this summary is provided below.

Select the Exit button when you have finished.

  1. Optionally, select to sort the list of product categories using the options under the SORT menu.

You can sort categories by number or description.

  1. Alternatively, escape the Category Selection screen and enter the ID of an existing product category.

Micronet displays the Category Inquiry screen with the details of the product category you selected.

This screen displays the following details:





Category Number

The product category ID.



The description of the product category.


Category Type

The product category type. Options are:

  • Diminishing – items that diminish in quantity as they are sold. This enables proper stock control to occur on these items.
  • Non Diminishing – stock on hand figures are not maintained for these items. They would always show 0.00 as the amount on hand. This category is used for items such as labour, service, freight and handling fees.
  • Non Inventory – NINV  items can be created, ordered, sold, etc. The cost price on file is locked at $0.00 but Micronet prompts for it when ordering or selling NINV products.
  • Manufactured – items used by Micronet’s Kitting and Job Costing programs where a part is not purchased from an outside source but manufactured (or assembled) by another Micronet package. These items are the destination items that would be made up of other raw materials products, labour and/or direct purchases.
  • Sub Assembled – items used in the Micronet Invoicing and Order Entry programs to identify products that are actually the assembly of other components within Micronet and can be used by a special class of kits.
  • Temporary – items that, if used and the quantity as a result becomes zero, are deleted at the end of the month.
  • Text – items used throughout MDS and the Micronet Job Costing System (MJC) so that lines of standard text can be easily entered on orders, invoices and for free form service job invoices from information given on service job cards.
  • Roll Stock – items linked to the Micronet Roll Forming System (MRF) that can be manufactured via job tickets in MRF.
  • Part Builder -


Cost of Sales

The cost of sales of all items in the product category per month for the last 12 months.



The sales value of all items in the product category per month for the last 12 months.



The gross profit for all items in the product category per month for the last 12 months.


Qty Sold

The quantity sold of all items in the product category per month for the last 12 months.


Cost of Sale MTD

The current month's cost of sales to date for all items in the product category.


Sales MTD

The current month's sales value to date for all items in the product category.



The current month's gross profit for all items in the product category.


Cost of Sale YTD

The current year's cost of sales to date for all items in the product category.


Sales YTD

The current year's sales value to date for all items in the product category.



The current year's gross profit for all items in the product category.

  1. Optionally, press the F11 hotkey to display a category summary. 

Category Summary

Select the Exit button when you have finished.

  1. The Category Inquiry screen also provides a number of menu options under the INQUIRY menu, allowing you to perform different types of inquiries on product categories in Micronet. If required, you can further inquire on: